Monday, November 23, 2009

Blues, I'm feeling them.

Okay, I won't lie to you. I haven't been 'feeling' Lolita-ish at all for the past month, and most of this month as well. It's personal issues, most of which are things we all have heard of...

Body image issues, low self-esteem, lack of courage, and just general "omg I can't do this, so I won't" problems.

I knew I wouldn't be able to do this, so I tried anyway. I don't think this really counts as trying... I am so behind, there must have been a lot of things to talk about... And I owe October posts too, though I didn't do anything of the sort for Halloween. Because of money issues.

I cannot believe it. I am forced to quit before I begin. The only problem I have is gathering money... I really need a job, but I cannot afford to take time away from school, seeing as how this school I go to is very... Nevermind. I can catch up with all my work eventually. I just never seem to want to do it all, and get distracted, as more and more work is slapped onto our schedules. (Oh wait, I don't have a schedule...)

I think I should just changed the whole concept of this blog, or delete it. I'm sorry, I haven't tried hard enough. But I just cannot seem to get the money or time to do the things that I wanted to. So now... maybe I'll just post at least twice a week here. About anything Lolita related, and get my opinions out, and hopefully strike a nice conversation about opinions and the like. Just to make this blog a little less dusty.

I hope to get better, and a little less like a big coward soon.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

[CRAFTS] Mini Beaded Crowns

Boy do I love making things from beads and such! A few years ago I have learned how to make little crowns from wire and beads, like the ones pictured here.

I just wanted to try it out, so that in the end I would have such a nice little accessory. I was hoping that with each little thing I made (which was/is usually jewelry stuff...) that I would get closer and closer to my ultimate goal: my first real pieces of lolita clothing.

Well, that day has yet to come still... right now I'm just going to have to make more of these cute little crowns and sell them, hopefully, so that I can purchase a real blouse at least. The one I got was a cheap one that I hoped to 'fix'. Ah ha haha... The less said about that blouse the better...

Anyway, I hope to soon get going on the crown tutorial I had promised myself I'd do this week.

I believe that no lolita is complete without having at least one crown or tiara. I have... plenty. Ha! I love collecting random things, and it so happens I collect jewelry and accessories, and other trinkets. But I always tuck them away, for another day. I never wear them, for I always tell myself to not wear it unless I am clean and well dressed.

These crowns are perfect for lolitas who wish to bring more of a 'princess' feel to her look. I say that all lolitas are princess-like anyway.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Favorite Things... (and people!)


I got into lolita because of him, as well as anime and manga. Though J-Pop and J-rock, visual kei, and awesome Sailor Moon rip-offs, I traveled from being just 'liking' it, to totally loving the style and trying to follow it. But... funny I heard of BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT before I heard of Moi-même-Moitié!

I had first heard a song by the famous group, Malice Mizer, which was a few years back... on the internet. A friend of mine, who was a citizen of Japan and hardcore fan of Dir en Grey, BOA, Ayumi Hamasaki and the like... and thought that since I liked a certain anime (I think it was Witch Hunter Robin or something) at the time, she shown me a few videos. Linked to one of these, was the Malice Mizer music video, Beast of Blood, and I was all like: holy crap! That's freaking awesome! So I looked more into the band, and fell in love. But...

Sadly, I fell in love too late, as it was 2006, and the band had disbanded a few years earlier, in 2001. I was saddened for a while, but then I continued to listen to them anyway. I started to read more on Mana, and learned he has founded Moi-même-Moitié, which we all know is the source of EGL and EGA, and one of the most (if not, THE most) sought after Gothic Lolita fashion brand. I can agree as to why it's wanted so much... just look at those gorgeous designs, even the simplest ones are just breathtaking. After all, Gothic Lolita was supposed to be about 'simple' and 'dark' beauty, right? That is a trait of Gothic Lolita.

This is one of the reasons why I love this fashion so much.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Blast from the Past: My First Alice Bow

Hey girls. Long time no post. I decided it was a bad idea, so I deleted the 'Princess Lessons' thing... yeah... too many people are already doing that anyway. It'll seem like I'm trying to be like them, or ripping them off. D: I don't want to do that so... Yeah, I'll just use this here blog as a personal blog about myself and my love for Lolita, like it originally was supposed to.

Anyway, today I bring... another blast from the past! Hell yeah.

So, back in 2007 or so, I thought I would take a whack at making one of those beautiful bows, right? Yeah, well, this was my first attempt. At first, I was all like: Yeah! This is awesome! This is right! But after a while I changed my mind... and it only took a whole month to realize that what I did was just wrong. BUT! I was learning! (Still am, too.)

What I learned from the ladies on EGL/Sewloli:
  • Wrong lace shape/size
  • Use grosgrain ribbon
  • Use interfacing
  • Make it not so big
  • Topstitch where we can't see it
I believe that was it. xD Here is me wearing it (where you can see me... and how really freaking huge it is, lol) :

Also I learned... BIG LOLITA NO-NO! Brush/comb hair, always!! (of course I was more

Also... opinions... should you all just call me 'Cinderella' or just by my real name? For some reason, some peoples at school started calling me Cinderella after spotting me editing this blog from school, so what do you think?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blast from the Past: Brittany's Old Lolita Things

I thought I'd start out with something from my past... very embarrassing at times, but just too fun not to share anyway...

Well, about a few years ago, 2007 to be exact, I thought it would be great if I made my own lolita items. So, I chose to make rectangle headdresses from scratch. I thought it would be easy, yet I knew nothing about the basics of sewing. I had hand sewn these two (and eventually, several others) 'headresses' using just one piece of fabric, the wrong types of lace (also wrongly placed) and some satin ribbons, which weren't long enough to be tied successfully under my chin. But for some reason, I thought it was right, and I ended up liking them, not really noticing just what I've done. Ha ha ha.

Several months later, I found out just how horrible they were, and tossed them all out. I vowed to study more on the fashion and sewing together. So that I could make something correctly, and that looks nice. (I also had made some pieces of jewelry, but I'll save those for another post.)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Welcome to my new blog!

Hello! My name is Brittany, and this is a blog about my love for the lolita fashion and 'lifestyle'! I hope to post a lot of fun things here, about the life of a lolita, share my thoughts and learnings about the fashion I have gathered throughout the years and experiences. I also hope to take part in lolita events, travel, and lots of other things!
Why "Hey you, Cinderella!"?I chose this as a title, because I heard many stories of how 'mundanes' or normal civilians on the street see a lolita, and had called out to her about her attire. Usually something along the lines of, "Is that a cosume?" "It's not Halloween yet!" and "Get lost on the way to the runway?"
So I figured it would be a nice title! Because I know for sure that I will get picked at, and made fun of... BUT! That doesn't mean a thing, as long as I am happy with what I am wearing. I don't let them ruin my fun! Besides, they're right... I AM a fairy tale princess! Well, at least I dress like one. Hee hee.
What will we see here?
Lots of pictures of course! Daily outfits, Lolita events, crafts and jewelry, and maybe some tutorials, too. Also, essays and thoughts about the fashion, as well as tips that were passed to me, that I pass to you! I probably would put recipes up here if I didn't suck at cooking! xD But we'll see!
I hope you all will enjoy reading "Hey you, Cinderella" and here's to a good start!
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